How to Simplify Online Bill Pay with Streamlined UX
Topics: Digital Payments
Online payments, especially with mobile devices, are here to stay. Flexibility in online payment options, combined with appropriate security measures, maximizes customer convenience. Providing streamlined options for online bill payments helps ensure timely payments while providing customers with a streamlined UX and assurances that their sensitive personal and financial data is safe.

Online Payment Processing Service Portal Tips
Topics: Merchant Payment Processing
Whether the issue is skepticism or suspicion about data security, implementing these tips can help overcome customer hesitation in using online payment processing services. The result will be increased convenience for your customers and streamlined debt collection processes for your company.

Payment Processing for Collection Agencies
Topics: Merchant Payment Processing
Providing a variety of online bill payment options, exercising flexibility in payment scheduling and optimizing mobile payments are all essential elements in today’s collection process. Secure online payment processing complements your company’s staff to maximize the amount of money obtained through your company’s collection efforts.

Processing Card Payments: Understanding the Card Transaction Lifecycle
Topics: Merchant Payment Processing
With credit card purchases, authorization is just the first step. For payment to appear in the merchant’s account, there are three other steps in the card processing transaction lifecycle. It’s important to have a risk management solution in place to ensure that transactions are processed successfully.