What is OmniChannel Payment Processing?
Topics: Merchant Payment Processing
In this blog, we’ll take a look at omnichannel payment processing—the different channels that make up omnichannel payment processing, important considerations, and security. Many consumers have been changing the way…

Understanding ACH Settlement Time
Topics: Merchant Payment Processing
When you receive your paycheck via direct deposit, transfer money between bank accounts, or schedule a recurring payment from your bank account, your money passes through the Automated Clearing House Network, or ACH. However, payments processed through ACH payment processing are not immediate.

Choosing a Payment Gateway Provider to Optimize Online Sales
Topics: Digital Payments
Today’s digital payment gateway provider offers merchants the opportunity to do more business in less time, and with much more security than was available through traditional payment functions. Stores experience…
Here’s Why Your Business Should Be Accepting Kiosk Payments
Topics: Merchant Payment Processing
Millions of Americans operate outside of the traditional banking system. Either they are completely “unbanked,” meaning they have no accounts with traditional financial institutions at all, or they are “underbanked.”…