Building on the Success of the Past – The CFPB’s PWA Compliance Report
Topics: Payments Compliance
Pursuant to the Plain Writing Act of 2010 (PWA), members of the federal executive branch (“executive agencies”) are required to use plain language in documents that: Are necessary for obtaining…
CFPB Proposes Controls on Third-Party Debt Collection Practices
Topics: Payments Compliance
Debt collection is big business. In the United States, the annual amount of debt collection, not including debt owed to the federal government, exceeds $13 billion dollars. Across the country,…
Dodd-Frank Act on the Block: House Financial Services Committee Proposes Changes
Topics: Payments Compliance
When the Obama government ascertained the complex causes that led to the “Great Recession” of 2007-2009, it enacted into law rules that would prevent the excessive risk-taking that created that…
What is EMV?
Topics: Merchant Payment Processing
While still relatively new to the United States, Europay, MasterCard and Visa – more commonly known as EMV – is an important worldwide security standard for credit cards. The History…