Inside PaymentVision’s Blog

Welcome to the PaymentVision™ Blog.  Read articles covering the latest in the payment processing industry. Learn more about  increasing bill collection, staying compliant, industry trends, business continuity, and more.

Are Walk-in Payments Right for Your Business?

Topics: Merchant Payment Processing

Making payment methods more efficient and customer-focused is an increasing trend for companies to ensure better cash flow. By having multiple options available for customers to make payments, accounts are…

Read More > February 6, 2018

Debunking Common Credit and Debit Card Processing Myths

Topics: Merchant Payment Processing

Misconceptions about processing credit and debit card transactions can be quite misleading. While due diligence is necessary to find a processing company with the right mix of services, support and…

Read More > February 1, 2018

Delinquencies On the Rise in CFPB’s Consumer Credit Market Report

Topics: Payments Industry Trends

Credit cards play a critical role in America’s economy, In 2009, Congress passed the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act (the CARD Act) to ensure that credit issuers and…

Read More > January 18, 2018

Card Present (CP) vs. Card Not Present (CNP) Transactions: What’s the Difference?

Topics: Merchant Payment Processing

Businesses want streamlined operations and maximum productivity, but sometimes these improvements come at a cost. Payment processing is so synchronized with daily operational costs that the service is easy to…

Read More > January 10, 2018