Payments Industry Trends

Delinquencies On the Rise in CFPB’s Consumer Credit Market Report

Topics: Payments Industry Trends

Credit cards play a critical role in America’s economy, In 2009, Congress passed the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act (the CARD Act) to ensure that credit issuers and…

Read More > January 18, 2018

CFPB Reports a Drastic Increase In Riskier, Longer-Term Auto Loans

Topics: Payments Industry Trends

As the country recovered from The Great Recession, the auto industry led the industrial-sector back to best-ever sales numbers in 2017. Part of its resurgence was due to a shift…

Read More > December 19, 2017

Managing America’s Student Loan Debt

Topics: Payments Industry Trends

Since 2013, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CPFB) has received thousands of comments about America’s student loan practices. The agency’s oversight and interventions can’t come soon enough, as the country’s…

Read More > December 15, 2017

Semi-Annual Report Showcases CFPB Success

Topics: Payments Industry Trends

Since 2011, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) has had as its sole focus protecting American consumers from unfair practices in the nation’s financial industries. By 2017, the agency had…

Read More > July 24, 2017