How to Promote Your Chiropractic Business and Reach New Clients

In this article, we will look at how to promote your chiropractic business and how to reach new clients.

Lots of chiropractic care clinics offer great services for their clients. And, for many of those clients, their services are life-changing. Sometimes though, reaching new chiropractic clients can be challenging.

Below are five incredibly valuable tips on how to promote your chiropractic business and acquire new business.

1. Promote Your Chiropractic Business with Content Marketing

These days, almost every business has a website. However, not every online business has a content marketing strategy. Or sometimes they do have a content marketing strategy, but it is not effective. Which makes sense in many cases, as chiropractors, for example, are focused on their patients, as they should be.

For many chiropractic businesses, content marketing is not always a part of their marketing plan, but for many successful chiropractors, and other healthcare providers, digital marketing has been an essential part of their success.

Hiring the right digital marketing firm to manage Google Ads, and write optimized blogs can have some great benefits. Setting up effective Google Ads campaigns can immediately help chiropractors gain new leads. And regularly publishing blogs focusing on topics that their ideal customers search on can bring in potential new clients.

The bottom line is: if you want to bring in more customers, invest in digital marketing for your chiropractic business. Remember, effective digital marketing for websites can be challenging. So be sure to pick a digital marketing firm that has experience and a proven track record.

2. Capitalize on the Right Social Media Strategy

Social media is, of course, a part of the digital space and is a huge part of digital marketing.

Social media, like Google Ads and Google search, can also help chiropractors reach potential new clients. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are great for helping businesses build their brands. And, when used right, these social platforms can help chiropractors reach new clients, gain followers, and steadily build a base of people to market their services to.

The problem with some social media accounts owned by businesses is that they can come off as too salesy. Developing a social media strategy that is personable, informative, and interesting can help many chiropractors build a successful social media presence.

There are social sharing platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Planoly that will allow chiropractors to easily manage their social media marketing efforts. Of course, there are also digital marketing agencies who will be glad to help.

3. Give Potential Clients Special Offers

Everyone loves a good deal. Today, numerous platforms offer consumers discounts on a wide variety of products and services.

Although Groupon has downsized over the years, Statista reports that during the company’s first quarter of 2021, it had almost 26 million unique users who bought at least one Groupon deal during the previous 12 months.

Additionally, other services such as RetailMeNot, Thumbtack, and others, can be great methods for chiropractors to reach new clients who are searching for both deals and their chiropractic services.

4. Give Package Discounts

In the spirit of good deals, today, many chiropractors and massage therapists offer discounts for the purchase of multiple treatment sessions.

For example, whereas one Chiropractic visit could typically cost $100, chiropractors who offer package discounts to clients might offer clients three sessions for $90 per session when paid in full.

This is a sales strategy that seems to work well for many chiropractors. So consider trying package discounts through your chiropractic business if you haven’t already.

5. Offer Memberships with Recurring Payments

In some ways, memberships can have some of the same benefits for clients that package discounts have. With memberships, a chiropractic clinic can give discounts to clients who sign up as members.

Memberships, in some cases, can be more efficient than package discounts. This is especially true for chiropractic clinics that use a payment provider that utilizes recurring payment functionality.

Recurring payment functionality allows customers to set up automated payments on a schedule of their choice. Every month, on whatever date is specified, the customer is then automatically charged.

For chiropractors, this can mean steady, hassle-free payments that arrive every month on time.

PaymentVision’s Payment Technology and Your Chiropractic Business

PaymentVision is a payment technology company. With our various payment solutions, we can support a variety of business models in numerous industries.

We offer IVR payments, payment APIs, walk-in payment options, and our new PayWeb360 that is accessible on any device and has recurring payment functionality.

If you would like to learn more about how our payment options can work for your chiropractic business, please contact us, and set up a time to chat.