Mobile Payments: Behind the Scenes of a Perfect Payment Solution

In this blog, we will discuss mobile payments. We will look at the different qualities associated with an efficient mobile payment option. We will also look at the critical role consumers, and merchants play in developing the perfect mobile solution.

Mobile Payments: Ingredients for a Successful Mobile Pay Solution

According to Statista, there are 64 million people who pay with their mobile phones in the United States. And as mobile payment technology becomes more secure and more comfortable to use, the number of people who pay with their mobile phones will increase.

Security seems to be a top concern for many end-users. A recent study conducted by our company found that security was the top concern among consumers when using a mobile payment platform.

“Not everyone is comfortable with mobile payments, though. According to a 2019 survey by Pew Charitable Trusts, a substantial number of consumers still avoid mobile payments because they’re concerned about security,” writes on its website.

With a robust and secure mobile payment solution, consumers are more likely to get on board and embrace mobile payment technology. Secure payment platforms instill confidence and trust in consumers who choose to pay with their mobile phones.

Ease-of-Use and Speed

mobile payments solutionAside from security, ease-of-use, and speed, are also significant aspects of a quality payment platform. A cumbersome payment platform that is slow creates the opportunity for customers to fall out of the payment process. And as many organizations know, these types of scenarios put more weight on call centers. Also, when a user falls out of the payment process, this can prolong the period it takes for a company to receive the money they are due.

The Importance of Incorporating Responsive Design with Mobile Payments

While payment apps certainly have their benefits, responsive payment platforms have theirs, too. Payment platforms that are web-based and built using responsive design make payment technology accessible from all devices – mobile phones, iPads, and desktops. Responsive design is the perfect problem-solve for all web-accessible devices.


Collectively, PayWeb360 exemplifies the perfect mobile payment platform based on the concerns of the end-user, and merchants.

PayWeb360 is a responsive payment platform built with security, speed, and ease-of-use in mind. And testing shows just that.

Our study showed that consumers who used PayWeb360 were more likely to complete their payments.

In short, payment completion rates can increase by over 60% for consumers who use PayWeb360. Additionally, the time to complete a payment is just sixty seconds with the PayWeb360 payment platform.

Other features of PayWeb360:

  • PCI Level 1 & NACHA compliant on secure datacenters with 99.9% uptime.
  • Optimized for English & Spanish out of the box.
  • Flexible setup options.
  • Allows organizations to accept only the payment methods they want.
  • Includes an auto-payment feature.
  • Meets all ADA compliance standards.
  • Rapid implementation and branded to match your organization.

Efficient Mobile Payment Solutions: Consumers and Merchants

When companies set out to develop payment platforms, sometimes assumptions are made in the process. These assumptions about what consumers prefer or how they might respond to specific designs will always fall short of real data – real information collected from consumers and used to design a payment solution.

Consumers play a vital role in the initial design phase of a payment platform and provide feedback to help organizations refine designs so that the final product is aligned with the preferences of the end-user.

The same thing is true about merchants. Their input and feedback are invaluable when developing an ideal payment solution. And PayWeb360, essentially, is a payment technology built in partnership with both consumers and merchants.

A Short Recap

Today, the number of people who use mobile phones to make payments continues to increase. However, for many end-users, security concerns remain an issue and keep many consumers from adopting mobile payment technologies.

Other factors that can impact a consumer’s views on using mobile technology to make payments include ease-of-use and speed.

PaymentVision focused on input from both organizations and consumers to build its new PayWeb360. PayWeb360 is a responsive mobile payment solution that is secure, meets all compliance standards, and has proven to increase payment completion rates, among other things.

If your organization is looking for an excellent payment platform for mobile—a platform to collect payments from customers quickly and securely, contact us to discuss the all-new PayWeb360.