PayWeb360 v1.10

PayWeb360 v.1.10 is now available in production. The purpose of this release is to introduce Settlements as a new feature.


Settlements is a new feature that enables clients to present settlement offers, schedule settlement payments and present settlement agreements whether agreed to inside or outside of PayWeb360.

How it works

  1. When there are one or more settlement offers on an account, as indicated within client reference data, PayWeb360 presents a call-to-action.
  2. When a customer clicks on the call-to-action PayWeb360 presents the settlement offer(s).
  3. When a customer clicks on a settlement offer PayWeb360 presents the detail and, in the case of a payoff plan, a calendar so that the customer can select what day of the month they would like to make their recurring payment.
  4. When a customer sets a settlement offer they are taken back to the Make Payment screen so that they can select a payment method
  5. When a customer clicks the Verify Payment button, PayWeb360 presents a payment verification screen
  6. When a customer checks the box to acknowledge that they have read and agree to the terms of the settlement and clicks Pay, PayWeb360 presents a payment confirmation screen
  7. When a customer logs into PayWeb360 and they have an active settlement, whether agreed to inside or outside of the system, as indicated within client reference data, their account is flagged
  8. When a customer views their account both the settlement and remaining balance are presented


Settlements has the following dependencies:

Offers Settlement offer parameters must be included within the CIF or calculation must be provided so that PaymentVision can append it during implementation
Agreements The original settlement amount and remaining balance must be included within the CIF
  • Settlements payments are backwards compatible with all existing PaymentVision payment posting methods
  • However, flagging a payment as a settlement is dependent on integration with your debt collection software
  • In the event an integration does not exist, PaymentVision will provide you with daily settlement reports


Settlements has the following limitations, as part of this release:

Number of Offers The maximum number of settlement offers that may be presented to a customer within a session is limited to 3
Payoff Schedule Payoff plan schedules are limited to monthly
Start Month Payoff plans always start the following month, unless there is a down payment, in which case the first payment is due the day the plan is agreed to
Payment Date When scheduling monthly payments, customers can only select a day of the month up to the day the settlement is due
Existing Payments If a customer already has a recurring payment set-up within PaymentVision, PW360 will not present the customer with a settlement offer
Cash Payments Cash cannot be used as a payment method on a settlement offer

Known Issues

Settlements has the following known issues, as part of this release:

  • The settlement call-to-action is presented on all linked accounts even if they don’t all have a settlement offer. However, if the customer clicks on the call-to-action and the linked account does not have a settlement offer, “none” is presented as the only option.
  • When a customer completes a settlement payment on a default linked account and then navigates to the dashboard, in session, the settlement call-to-action is no longer presented on the default account, as expected. However, the settlement call-to-action is no longer presented on any linked account even those in which the customer has not completed a settlement payment. This is only an issue in session. When a customer logs out and logs back in, the settlement call-to-action is presented as expected.
  • If a customer cancels a settlement within PayWeb360, PayWeb360 will not present the customer with a settlement call-to-action even if an offer is included within client reference data. Note: customers are only able to cancel payments, including settlements, when PayWeb360 allows for it as part of your configuration.
  • When the due date for a settlement plan is in the current month, it is considered invalid by design. However, PayWeb360 is not hiding the settlement call-to-action, as expected. Instead, the call-to-action is presented but when a customer clicks on it PayWeb360 presents “none” as the only option.
  • When a customer makes a settlement payment on a linked account, PayWeb360 will not present the customer with a settlement call-to-action the next time they login even if an offer is included within client reference data. This is by design. However, if the customer logs into another linked account and then navigates to the account from within the dashboard, PayWeb360 will present a settlement call-to-action if an offer is included within client reference data. This is not by design.
Payments When a customer makes a lump sum settlement payment and navigates to Payment History, in session, the payment is not presented. When a customer logs out and logs back in, the payment is presented as expected.