PayWeb360 v.1.5

PayWeb360 v.1.5 is now available in production. The purpose of this release is to fix 1 issue (Default Payment Date and Time) and enhance 1 feature (HSA Card Payments).

Default Payment Date and Time

Default Payment Date is an existing feature that populates the payment date with a default setting, the intent of which is to default to the current date and enforce any future-dated payment restrictions relative to that date.


Prior to this release, the Default Payment Date and Time would be populated using the date and time from the end-user’s computing device. Under normal circumstances this would be okay; however, in cases where the date and time is not set correctly, the end user is able to future-date a payment even in cases where the merchant does not support it.


Now, as part of this release, the Default Payment Date and Time will be populated using the date and time from the PayWeb360 server, removing the end-user’s computing device as a dependency.

HSA Card Payments

Health Savings Account (HSA) cards are a type of debit card that can be used to make payments to merchants within an eligible merchant category, as defined by the Merchant Category Code.


Prior to this release, while HSA cards were supported within PayWeb360, customers would need to introduce them to the system as either a Debit Card or Credit Card.PayWeb360_Add Payment Method_No HSA Card


Now, as part of this release, HSA Card can be presented as a distinct payment method within the drop-down list making it more clear to the customer that HSA Card is a supported option. In order for HSA Card to appear in the list, it must be included within client reference data as an Approved Payment Method. The payee must also be associated with a merchant account that has been set up with an eligible merchant category code in order for an HSA Card payment request to result in a successful authorization.