
PaymentVision is now available in production. The purpose of this release is to fix 4 issues (Credit Card Batch ID Assignment, Manual Batch Creation, MakeIDBasedTransactionSeries, BIN Lookup).

Credit Card Batch ID Assignment

Credit Card Batch ID Assignment is an existing feature of Credit Card Settlement that assigns a batch ID to a credit card transaction when it is included within the result of a settlement request.


Prior to this release, when a settlement request succeeded, despite exceeding our timeout threshold, a PaymentVision Operations user would need to manually assign a batch ID to the transactions.


Now, as part of this release, PaymentVision will automatically retrieve and assign a batch ID to transactions after a settlement request times-out. Since PaymentVision previously had a manual correction process, this change is expected to be transparent to our end users.

Manual Batch Creation

Manual Batch Creation is an existing feature of the PaymentVision Portal that enables a batch to be created manually.


Prior to this release, when a manual batch creation request succeeded, but a request to retrieve the underlying transactions failed, the end user would not receive an email notification.


Now as part of this release, when a manual batch creation request succeeds, but a request to retrieve the underlying transactions fails, the end user will receive the following email notification:Email Notification


MakeIDBasedTransactionSeries is an existing PayAPI request method that is used to create a series of payments.


Prior to this release, a performance issue caused some requests to return an empty response despite resulting in success.


While PaymentVision has since addressed the performance issue, it has also optimized the processing of this method, as part of this release, to further protect against empty responses.

BIN Lookup

BIN Lookup is an existing feature of payment card registration that looks up the issuing bank name and card type and includes them as part of the payment card record.


Prior to this release when a BIN Lookup failed, it caused payment card registration requests (AddCreditCardAccount and MakeCreditCardPayment) to fail.


Now, as part of this release, payment card records will be saved with an unknown issuing bank name and card type when a BIN Lookup fails.