PaymentVision is now available in production. The purpose of this release is to introduce two new API request methods (RegisterPhoneEndPoint and UnregisterPhoneEndpoints), one new enhancement (Credit Card Settlement Retry) and one bug fix (Billing Address Validation).
RegisterPhoneEndPoint is a new PayAPI method that enables a phone number to be registered to a customer for use within the PaymentVision Text Messaging Platform.
How is it different from RegisterEndPointByCode?
Unlike RegisterEndPointByCode, RegisterPhoneEndPoint does not require an authentication code.
Use Case
The new method will enable merchants to migrate previously registered phone numbers to PaymentVision for use within the PaymentVision Text Messaging Platform.
UnregisterPhoneByPhoneNumber is a new PayAPI method that enables a phone number to be unregistered from all customers associated with it.
How is it different from UnregisterPhoneNumber?
UnregisterPhoneNumber enables a phone number to be unregistered for a particular customer, whereas UnregisterPhoneEndPoints enables a phone number to be unregistered from all customers.
Credit Card Settlement Retry
Credit Card Settlement Retry is an existing feature that enables a credit card batch to be retried in the event of a retry-able error.
What’s New?
Prior to this release, credit card batches were retried the following day. Now, in addition to being retried the following day, credit card batches are retried the same day, up to 5 times, at 30 minute intervals .
Use Case
This enhancement provides merchants with a chance to both receive funds sooner and simplify reconciliation in the event a credit card batch settlement request results in a retry-able error.
Billing Address Validation
Prior to this release, Phone was required within the billingAddress object when included within an UpdateBankAccount or UpdateCreditCardAccount request. This behavior was inconsistent with the way in which the billingAddress object was validated when included within an AddBankAccount, AddCreditCardAccount, MakeACHPayment or MakeCreditCardPayment request.
Now as part of this release, Phone is not required within the billingAddress object when included within an UpdateBankAccount or UpdateCreditCardAccount request.