PayWeb 2 v.

PayWeb 2 v. is now available in production. The purpose of this release is to introduce three new features (Electronic Signature, Notification Subscriptions and Phone Verification).

Electronic Signature

Approved Payment Options is a new configuration option that enables merchants to specify what payment options a customer is allowed to use.  Prior to this release, the configuration of Approved Payment Options was limited to the site level.

Use Case

  • Comply with Regulation E authorization requirements for pre-authorized electronic funds transfers
  • Record the name of the person authorizing a business-to-business payment

How it Works

When a customer selects a payment option and it is not approved, the payment option is replaced with configurable help text as shown within the screen shot below.

  1. When electronic signature is enabled a name field is included within the authorization

  2. When a user enters a name a signature is automatically drawn

  3. When a user authorizes the payment the confirmation page includes a signature panel which can either be saved or printed

How is this different from other methods?

While PayWeb 2 has several existing methods to comply with Regulation E authorization requirements for electronic funds transfers, Electronic Signature offers another option for merchants who prefer the appearance of a hand drawn signature.

Notification Subscriptions

Notification Subscriptions is a new configuration option that enables customers to subscribe to text notifications.

Subscription Types

Subscription Type Description
Receive account information Receive account related information such as payment reminders, past due alerts and transaction event notifications.
Make payments via text Make payments within an interactive text messaging workflow

How it Works | PayWeb Subscription Panel

  1. Customer navigates to Verify Contact Info page
  2. If Notifications are enabled then PayWeb 2 presents a Subscriptions panel

  3. Customer updates subscriptions
  4. Customer clicks Save
  5. PayWeb 2 presents a Subscriptions Verification pop-up

  6. Customer clicks OK
  7. PayWeb 2 updates subscriptions

Use Cases

Comply with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Telephone Consumer Protection Act and CTIA short code program guidelines


In order for a customer to receive a text message as part of a notification subscription, the merchant must have an active notification rule within the PaymentVision Portal.

Phone Verification

How it Works

  1. Customer navigates to Verify Contact Info page
  2. If Notifications are enabled and the customer has a registered phone number then PayWeb 2 will present a Phone Number list within the Phone Number panel

  3. If Notifications are enabled and the customer does not have a registered phone number or selects Add Phone Number then PayWeb 2 will present a Phone Number Registration interface within the Phone Number panel

  4. Customer enters phone number, checks the box and clicks Submit
  5. PayWeb 2 sends the customer a device registration code

  6. PayWeb 2 presents a device registration screen
  7. Customer enters device registration code and clicks register

  8. PayWeb 2 validates the request
  9. PayWeb 2 presents a confirmation screen

Use Cases

Comply with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Telephone Consumer Protection Act and CTIA short code program guidelines


PayWeb 2 is limited to displaying only one registered phone number (the preferred phone number). When a new phone number is registered, it becomes the new preferred phone number.