PayWeb 2 v.

PayWeb 2 v. is now available in production.  The purpose of this release is to introduce one new feature (Approved Payment Options) and one new enhancement (Tokenized Signon).

Approved Payment Options

Approved Payment Options is a new configuration option that enables merchants to specify what payment options a customer is allowed to use.  Prior to this release, the configuration of Approved Payment Options was limited to the site level.

How it Works?

When a customer selects a payment option and it is not approved, the payment option is replaced with configurable help text as shown within the screen shot below.

Use Case

Use Case NACHA Return Rate Threshold
Problem NACHA has established an inquiry process which is triggered when an ACH originator exceeds an overall return rate level of 15.0 percent. This can be particularly problematic for recurring billing merchants who enroll customers in auto debit. In order to avoid scrutiny, an ACH originator must keep its return rate below this level.
Solution Approved Payment Options solves this problem by enabling the ACH originator to require a customer to be in good standing in order to enroll in auto-debit.

Implementation Requirements

Enabling Approved Payment Options

Approved Payment Options is enabled within the site configuration by a PaymentVision implementation specialist.

Re-labeling Help Text

The help text that is presented when a payment option is not approved can be re-labeled by a PaymentVision implementation specialist

Setting Approved Payment Options for a Customer

There are two options for setting Approved Payment Options for a customer as described within the table below.

Responsible Party Procedure
Merchant Include within Customer Information File
PaymentVision Derive from other data when importing Customer Information File

Tokenized Signon

Tokenized Sign-on is an existing PayWeb 2 sign-on method that allows the use of a Login Token as an access key.

What is a Login Token?

A Login Token is a parameter within the query string of the site url as shown within the example below.


What’s New?

Tokenized Sign-on can now be configured to require a password in order to login.  Previously, Login Tokens were limited to one-time use.  However when configured to require a password, Login Tokens can be used more than once.

Note: Login Tokens are still limited to one-time use when Tokenized Sign-on is not configured to require a password.

Use Case

Simplify the login process when launching PayWeb 2 from a QR code, SMS message, or email.

How it Works?

  1. Customer launches PayWeb 2 from a url that includes Login Token
  2. If Login Token is valid and Tokenized Signon has not been configured to require password then PayWeb 2 presents Landing page
  3. If Login Token is valid and Tokenized Signon has been configured to require password then PayWeb 2 presents Login page with login ID pre-populated
  4. If Login Token is invalid then PayWeb 2 presents Login page without login ID pre-populated

Implementation Requirements

Enabling and Configuring Tokenized Sign-on

Tokenized Signon is enabled and configured within the site configuration by a PaymentVision implementation specialist.

Generating Login Tokens

There are two options for generating login tokens as described within the table below.

Responsible Party Procedure
Merchant Include within Customer Information File
PaymentVision Auto-generate when importing Customer Information File


  • The option to have PaymentVision generate the Login Token is only available when using the Customer Information File. It is not an option when using a PaymentVision Customer Gateway integration
  • When PaymentVision auto-generates the Login Token, a new one is created each time it imports a new Customer Information File (usually daily)