The Core Objectives of Accounts Receivables Management and How To Improve Them

Accounts receivable management involves handling outstanding invoices or funds that are yet to be settled by your customers, representing a crucial aspect of maintaining healthy cash flow for any business or organization. (including debt settlement agencies) In order to ensure your business operates smoothly, a consistent flow of cash is essential. 

As the term suggests, the process of effectively managing these accounts receivables is termed accounts receivable management. This encompasses a range of activities such as establishing credit policies, defining payment terms, initiating payment reminders, and promptly collecting due payments. Accounts receivable management is also known as:

  • Payment Collection
  • Collection Management
  • Accounts Receivables Supervision

In essence, accounts receivable management safeguards your business’s financial stability by streamlining the payment cycle and ensuring that the money owed to your company is collected efficiently.


woman looking at accounts on the computer


Core Objectives of Accounts Receivables Management

While the management of accounts receivables might appear straightforward, its complexity can grow with the nature of your business. As your enterprise expands, so do your processes, demanding adaptable accounting software that aligns with your company’s standards and requirements. 

To ensure the financial success of your business, maintaining a vigilant eye on your receivables is pivotal. Below, we explore the key objectives of accounts receivables management, backed by data-driven insights:

  1. Enhancing Cash Flow:

Effective accounts receivables management significantly stabilizes cash inflow. This process provides a comprehensive overview of pending cash and creates an organized record of all sales transactions. A study by Dun & Bradstreet revealed that businesses with strong receivables management collect 90% of their invoices within the agreed-upon terms, emphasizing the correlation between efficient receivables management and improved cash flow (Dun & Bradstreet, “The Impact of Payment Terms on Cash Flow”, 2019).

Product Highlight: PaymentVision’s solution for debt recovery in a user-centric manner is our Settlement Offers, which puts recovery in the hands of the user to who can set the payment terms on their terms to improve the overall experience. 


  1. Mitigating Bad Debt Losses:

Blocked funds result in operational limitations. Efficient receivables management directly prevents bad debts, avert­ing losses that can otherwise impair daily business activities. 

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, an estimated 82% of small businesses fail due to poor cash flow management, highlighting the critical role of receivables management in preventing debilitating losses (U.S. Small Business Administration, “10 Common Cash Flow Mistakes You Can Avoid”, 2020).


  1. Elevating Customer Satisfaction:

Receivables management, in monitoring buyer payment performance, not only fosters customer relationships but also allows for tailored discounts and offers based on payment records. 

This enhanced transparency enhances customer-business relationships, fostering lasting bonds. A survey by Deloitte found that 62% of customers are more likely to make repeat purchases when offered personalized discounts (Deloitte, “Making Business Personal: 2020 Global Marketing Trends”, 2019).

PaymentVision partners with collection finance companies and attends industry leading conferences like Debt Connection Symposium in order to stay at the forefront of industry trends. 

RMCP: The Receivables Management Certification Program provided by RMAi put out a whitepaper in 2019 that addresses the significance of a consumer-centric approach and its relationship to litigation within the receivables industry.


  1. Amplifying Sales Volume:

Strategic receivables management aids in expanding sales and profitability. Providing credit facilities to customers stimulates sales volume, with the convenience of credit-based purchases enticing more consumers. 

Research conducted by Accenture indicates that offering credit facilities can result in a 15% increase in sales for businesses, showcasing the role of receivables management in boosting sales (Accenture, “Global Consumer Pulse Research: Progress on Purpose”, 2018).



To enhance accounts receivables management, businesses can adopt data-driven payment solutions that align with evolving processes, ensuring meticulous tracking and efficient collections. By utilizing advanced analytics, automation, and customer relationship management tools, companies can streamline their receivables management practices, mitigate risks, enhance customer relationships, and ultimately bolster financial stability. In a dynamic business landscape, mastering accounts receivables management becomes a critical pillar for sustained success.