CFPB Launches Updated Website

Last week, the CFPB launched a redesign of their main consumer-facing website. “These changes will help users quickly and easily browse the vast range of information, tools, and reports that we provide,” said the CFPB in a blog post.

The redesigned website features an updated menu system, which allows for quicker and more efficient navigation through the dropdown menu. Some of the menu options include consumer tools, educational resources, data & research, policy & compliance, and about [the CFPB].

There are also several new updates to the site’s search engine. You’re now not only able to search for content by author, but also by date, categories, and specific topics. These powerful search filters should now allow for much more precise search results, catered to exactly what you’re looking for.

Lastly, the website is now fully responsive, meaning the layout automatically conforms to screens of different sizes. So whether you’re visiting on your smartphone, tablet or computer, the experience will be familiar across all of them, yet formatted properly for those particular devices.

All of the above are welcomed changes to what’s a very information-heavy online source. But things aren’t stopping there. “While this redesign is not the end of our work, it is an important step forward in our effort to serve you better. Stay tuned for more as we continue to make updates and improvements.”