Mobile Payment Trends in the United States
Take a look at mobile strategies that can offer more to customers. Check out details on mobile adoption, mobile usage, mobile payment growth, and mobile-friendly payment services.
Over past two years, smartphone adoption has grown from 36% to 61% in the US. 87% have a mobile phone and 61% of mobile phones are smartphones.
The average consumer spends 127 minutes per day in mobile apps. Mobile usage statistics shows us that 51% of smart phone owners have used mobile banking in last 12 months, 66% of smartphone users pay their bills through an online system, and 90% of smartphone users move between devices to complete a task.
Payments made via mobile devices are quickly on the rise. In 2011 31% of credit/debit card payment was completed via mobile devices, which increased to 33% in 2012 and 63% in 2013.
Creating a mobile strategy can be done in a number of ways that include; optimized websites, pay by text, and electronic billing.
Are you ready to accept mobile payments? If not, it’s time for mobile-friendly payment services.